Health Insurance

Health insurance is a way of paying for some or all of the costs of health care. It protects insured persons from paying high treatment costs in the event of sickness

A health’ insurance policy protects a policyholder against uncertain illness/sickness by either reimbursing the costs of medical treatment or paying a lump sum amount to the policy holder in the event of diagnosis of a specific ailment covered under the health insurance policy. The principle is from the total pool of premium contribution of the policy holders the fortunate take care of unfortunates.

There are numerous reasons for buying health insurance and a few of them are listed below.

  • To pay the medical treatment expenses in case of hospitalization due to any disease or accident.
  • Health coverage can help the insured to limit their out of pocket costs, protects their assets and safeguard their future earnings.
  • Insured need not have to worry about arranging money for medical treatment at the last hour, which gives peace of mind.
  • The cost of medical expenses is rising and it is expected that in future the cost will rise further with the inflation and ever increasing cost of medicines and other expenses.
  • With cashless hospitalization, one just need to show the identity card and rest of everything is taken care by the hospital staff.
  • Insured can get best treatment in the network hospitals of the insurance company which was otherwise not affordable by the common man.
  • Insurance companies offer 24 hours helpline which can help you to arrange for ambulances, get information about nearest hospitals, best doctors and so on.


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